Today I spoke with the family of the couple we moved on Tuesday this week. I was quickly and voraciously reminded of what an amazing crew we have at Tailored Transitions!
This family was highly skeptical after being referred to us but prior to meeting us. They called and bluntly said, "Nothing is free" but we'd like to learn more. They then called the weekend before our appointment to cancel because their children felt skeptical as well. However, after a long chat they decided to keep their appointment.
When my husband and I showed up (yes, this is a family owned and operated business) their son-in-law was there to watch over the meeting and make sure nothing was signed. However, by the end he felt so good about our team that he decided it was okay for his in-laws to move forward if it was what they wanted.
Today, when I spoke with first the son-in-law and then the couple we moved, I was beyond delighted at their response. They were truly shocked by what our team accomplished in exactly two weeks time. They couldn't believe the seamless and truly stress-free way their transition was carried out.
They said that from beginning to end it felt effortless and smooth. That each of the people they encountered on our team were like angels and very clearly cared about the experience their family received. From understanding the difficulty of this transition to making sure it moved forward every step of the way our team helped this family to create an experience they won't likely forget anytime soon.
As the son-in-law and I were wrapping up our conversation he told me that he and his wife have been trying to figure out how they are going to manage their own process of downsizing and selling their home. He said that now they know who they are going to use and hoped that, even though they aren't moving to a Senior Living Community, we would be willing to help them. WOW, what a testament to what and who our team is when a family that was so skeptical is now looking forward to using us again!!!
The next step in the process is to get their beautiful Belmont home market ready and then list it for sale...I am so excited to surprise them again with another great experience!
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